Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas is Almost Here

Christmas is almost here, and we have been busy with celebrations and activities. Chris and I had a good time at our church life group Christmas party this past weekend. It was our first time out without kids since June.

We went to the Marine Christmas party yesterday. Logan and Brady saw Santa and had their picture taken. Brady was not so happy this year, as you can see below. Logan didn't want to sit on his lap, but he let Santa know that he wants Team GeoTrax for Christmas. Chris and I have been hearing about Team GeoTrax (a toy train) for months now. Logan talks about it all the time, and even prays for it every night before bed.

We started on our Christmas cookies already. I have had lots of help from Logan. Every time I get out a recipe, he grabs a stool and wants to help. Logan decorated Santa's cookies with lots of sprinkles and icing. Yum.

With so much focus on Santa and presents, Chris and I decided to start a new tradition with the kids this year. We have been talking more about the true meaning of Christmas with the boys, and chose to get them each three gifts to represent the three gifts that Jesus received. Hopefully this will give our gift opening some meaning and put more focus on Christ when we explain it to the boys.

My Body for Life challenge is over. I made it through the full 12 weeks of eating healthy and working out. Now that it's over, I plan on keeping it up, but allowing for a few extra treats during the holidays. I was able to lose quite a bit of fat and change my body shape. It's feels so good to be healthy.

Crying or no crying, you must have a picture with Santa.

The Marine Christmas party.

Daddy must play this game every night.

Mommy and Logan time.

Logan's cookies for Santa.

Brady was mad he couldn't touch them all.

Matching sweater buds.

Settling In Again

We are finally feeling settled in. Chris and I have been working hard on unpacking and organizing. It's so nice to be able to hang pictures on the walls and make this place our own.

Our first house guests came a few days before Thanksgiving. The Sobey family, our good friends from Lee's Summit, stayed with us for a few days on their way to South Carolina. Logan and Brady were so excited to see their friends, and I enjoyed seeing my best friend, Stacia. We took them to the beach and enjoyed a beautiful 70 degree day playing in the sand.

It was a little hard being away from family for Thanksgiving. We missed seeing everyone and all the traditions. Our new friends, the Hornsby Family, had us and another military family over for a potluck Thanksgiving meal. Having friends to spend the holiday with was such a blessing.

Logan with the Sobey kids.

A family beach photo.

Jen and Stacia.

One of the many military helicopters that fly by every day.