Friday, February 19, 2010

Shoulder Surgery and Some Cute Pics

Chris had shoulder surgery last Tuesday. After injuring his shoulder when he was little and then again in college, he was finally able to have it fixed. The recovery process is long, but Chris is really pushing himself in therapy and determined to get better quickly.
Brady turned ten months! He is really into eating lately and never seems to get enough food. Brady is now crawling all over and pulling up on everything.
Logan is amazing us with his ability to quote movies and books. He will quote whole scenes from his train movies and remembers everything he sees and hears. We may have a little actor on our hands with the way he likes to pretend.

Brady at 10 months.
Brady's first tattoo.

The boys playing in Logan's room.

Brady chilling with uncle John.

Brady and Logan playing in the bath.

Logan giving Chris a hair cut. Ouch.