Monday, January 18, 2010

Brady Is On The Move

Brady turned nine months a few days ago. He has been army crawling everywhere, and picks up speed every day. I find myself chasing him around the house all day long as he points out areas that are not baby proof. Brady is such a different baby than Logan. Logan would sit quietly and play with toys. Brady is into everything and pulls up on all the furniture to reach for anything he can get his hands on. He also loves the sound of his own voice, so he screams and babbles.

Brady nine months

Brady quite often has bed head spikes.

He loves to get on his hands and tippy toes.

Are you supposed to be in mommy's cook books?

Brady and Logan playing together.

This is our crawler and screamer.

Our baby has way too much energy.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Highlights

We had a great Christmas this year. Our family has been so blessed. My parents traveled in on Christmas Eve and spent a few days with us. They enjoyed watching the boys open gifts and play with their new toys. It snowed so hard that we had to push back our Christmas celebration with Chris' parents, but were able to reschedule for a few days after. The boys enjoyed seeing their grandparents and playing with their favorite cousins, Kaden and Mason.
A few days before Christmas, we found out that Chris did not get the job in NC. We know that this is not where God needs us at the time and pray that He will soon show us His new direction.

Grandma and Logan making cookies for Santa.

Logan discovering the presents on Christmas morning at 5a.m.

Chris and Brady at 5a.m. Christmas morning.

Brady and Logan looking in their stockings.

Brady's new baseball toy.

Jen playing our new Wii.

Logan's first snowman.

Brady looking at all the snow.

Grandpa and Grandma with Brady, Kaden, Mason, and Logan.

Happy Brady in his new snowman shirt.